Accelerate your company growth

The 2 Comma Club is based on real life experience from the top of the drone industry, learning from our failings and successes to 7 figure growth in 18 months.

  • Avoid making the mistakes we made 5 years ago when we entered the Drone Industry

  • The Inbound Methodology and how to successfully implement it to your industry

  • Lessons delivered over a 6 week strategy

What is the course?

We've developed the 'How to build a successful drone business' course, otherwise referred to as the '2, Comma, Club' to answer the huge demand for business support and guidance within the rapidly-growing drone industry.

So, what is the secret to creating a successful drone business, that can change your life and your families life forever?

Why is it that over 40% of new drone businesses fail within their first year?

We’ve spoken to a huge swathe of the 2000 students who we've trained over the last five years and hundreds of people throughout the industry to develop a brand new, one of a kind training course which focuses on how to develop and build a successful business in this exciting and rapidly growing industry.

We created a drone business that generated more than £1,000,000 in the first 18 months, and then nearly lost everything because we didn't have the right strategies, tactics and processes in place.

We’ve then spent the next 3 years, and more than £2,000,000 mastering the processes, tactics and strategies required to generate leads on autopilot and convert those leads into paying customers.

Now, we want to share these methods with you, so you don't make the same mistakes that we did. We want to save you time, effort & money and help you to leap-frog those in the industry who are relying on the age-old; 'Buy a Drone, Get a PfCO, Build a Website and HOPE method...', which just DOESN'T work anymore!

The Curriculum

The All in One Sales & Marketing Course for your Drone Business

    1. Thank you

    2. Round Tables

    3. Before we begin...

    4. This isn't for you

    5. Dig deeper

    6. Full Circle - Multi-faceted Strategy

    7. Held to Account

    8. The Social Network(s)

    9. Homework

    1. Introduction to Week 1

    2. Marketing vs Advertising

    1. Scope

    2. Traditional Business Models

    3. What is Inbound Marketing?

    4. Summary

    1. Scope

    2. Attract

    3. Engage

    4. Delight

    1. Scope

    2. Core Principles

    3. Company Purposes

    4. Company Goals

    5. Summary

    1. Scope

    2. Buyer Persona

    3. The Buyer's Journey

    4. Summary

About this course

  • £249.00
  • 160 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content

Start your Journey today

Become a Sales & Marketing expert in the Drone Industry today and propel your Business Growth to new levels


UAVHub CEO Matthew Williams

A leading light within the international aviation community with deep-seated roots within the unmanned training and operational delivery sectors. Matt has built a number of successful businesses centred around the ever-evolving unmanned aircraft space. He continues to manage an ever-growing team at the UK's leading unmanned aircraft training and operations company and also consults at the very highest levels in the sector in order to help explore and deliver practical and pragmatic solutions to problems faced by both regulatory bodies worldwide and those looking to exploit options to operate within regulatory frameworks.


  • Who is this for?

    This course is for everyone in the drone industry that is a Small-Medium sized enterprise. Whether you've been in business for years or just starting out, there's something for everyone. We've taken feedback from our 22 Founding Members to make sure that the content delivered is applicable to you.

  • How long does the course take to complete?

    The course will be delivered over a period of 6 weeks, with over 1 hour of video learning delivered each week and homework to be completed, prior to starting the next set of modules.

  • What makes this course different?

    This course has been specifically tailored to the Drone Industry and uses real-life examples to help illustrate the content. We've boiled down 5 years of learning to help you make the best decisions for your Sales and Marketing processes. We're not Marketers, we're a company that lives and breathes the industry!